Vishwa Dharma Prarthana - Universal Prayer

English Transliteration

sarvamañgala mãñgalyãm
devÏm sarvãrtha sãdhikãm |
saranyãm sarvabhùtãnãm
namãmo bhúmimãtaram || 1

saccidãnanda rupãya
visvamañgala hetave |
visvadharmaika múlãya
namostu paramãtmane || 2

visvadharma vikãsãrtham
prabho sanghatitã vayam |
subhãm ãsisamasmabhyam
dehi tat paripurtaye || 3

ajayyamãtma sãmarthyam
susilam loka pújitam |
jnãnam ca dehi visvesa
dhyeya mãrga prakãsakam || 4

samutkarsostu no nityam
nihsreyasa samanvitah |
tatsãdhakam sphuratvantah
suvÎravratamujvalam || 5

visvadharma prakãsena
visvasãnti pravartake |
hindusanghtanã kãrye
dhyeyanisthã sthirãstunah || 6

krtvãsamaddharma raksanam |
paramam vaibhavam prãptum
samarthãstu tavãsisã || 7

tvadiye punya kãryesmin
visva kalyãna sãdhake
tyãga sevã vratasyãyam
kãyo me patatu prabho || 8

|| visva dharma ki jay ||


सर्वमंगल मांगल्यां देवीं सर्वार्थ साधिकाम् ।
शरण्यां सर्वभूतानां नमामो भूमिमातरम् ॥१

सच्चिदानन्द रूपाय विश्वमंगल हेतवे ।
विश्वधर्मैक मूलाय नमोस्तु परमात्मने ॥२

विश्वधर्म विकासार्थं प्रभो संघटिता वयम् ।
शुभामाशिषमस्मभ्यम् देहि तत् परिपूर्तये ॥३

अजय्यमात्म सामर्थ्य सुशीलं लोक पूजितम् ।
ज्ञानं च देहि विश्वेश ध्येय मार्ग प्रकाशकम् ॥४

समुत्कर्षोस्तु नो नित्यं निःश्रेयस समन्वितः ।
तत्साधकं स्फुरत्वन्तः सुवीरव्रतमुज्वलम् ॥५

विश्वधर्म प्रकाशेन विश्वशान्ति प्रवर्तके ।
हिन्दुसंघटना कार्ये ध्येयनिष्ठा स्थिरास्तुनः ॥६

संघशक्तिर्विजेत्रीयं कृत्वास्मद्धर्म रक्षणम् ।
परमं वैभवं प्राप्तुं समर्थास्तु तवाशिषा ॥७

त्वदीये पुण्य कार्येस्मिन् विश्व कल्याण साधके ।
त्याग सेवा व्रतस्यायम् कायो मे पततु प्रभो ॥ ८

॥ विश्व धर्म की जय ॥

Meaning of Prarthana

The most sacred of all that is auspicious
The means to achieve all that one aspires
The safe refuge of all living beings
O Goodness Mother Earth, We salute thee.
You are the cause for the Universe good,
The embodiment of the Truth Wisdom, and Bliss
The Unique origin of Universal Righteousness,
Our Salutations to You, O God, Supreme.
Together we have come organized, O Bhagavan,
For the purpose of spreading Universal Dharma,
We seek Your blessings, the divine grace,
Bestow on us to accomplish the aim.
Possession of valor, unconquerable ever
Conduct, character renowned world over
Bestow the wisdom that brightens, O God
Paving the way to realize the goal.
Endowed with prosperity, exaltation, perpetual,
May there be affluence bestowed on us;
inspired are we to practice,
the radiant, worthy, valiant, vow.
With enlightenment from the Universal Dharma,
in propagating peace through out the world
in the task of achieving Hindu unity,
May our aim and deep faith remain resolute.
With the triumphant power of the organization,
by safeguarding our own Dharma, the righteousness,
May we be blessed to be competent
To attain the glory supreme, sublime.
In pursuit of the welfare of the mankind,
which indeed is thy holy cause
and inspired by the noble virtues of service and sacrifice,
let my life, O Bhagawan, be offered at your feet.
|| Victory to Universal Dharma ||

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