The World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) condemns the charges leveled by Mr. Susheel Kumar Shinde, on January 20, 2013, at the Chintan Shibir of Congress Party in Jaipur, India. By labeling terrorism as “Hindu terrorism”, the Home Minister and the Congress Party have severely insulted the entire Hindu society. Also, by calling it “saffron terrorism”, he has humiliated the national flag and the most revered”Sanyasis”of all Dharmic traditions. His statement smacks of ignorance about the history of Hindus, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), and a millennia of Islamic onslaught. Even today, terror and discrimination continues to be inflicted upon the Hindus in different parts of the world. Mr. Shinde.s statement is an affront to all Hindus, their faith in mutually respectful non-violence, their theological canon of peaceful coexistence, their conviction in the principles of liberty and freedom of expression, their abidi! ng faith in human dignity, and their steadfast trust in respect for human life.
Already, trans-national terror groups have expressed increased motivation, both in propaganda and action, thus endangering innocent lives. India deserves a Home Minister who does not parrot the Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) idioms of discourse on global and local terrorism.
A billion strong Hindu society, is taking a stand against this Pyrrhic and divisive agenda of the Sonia-led Congress Party. VHPA demands that the Home Minister and the Congress party, tender unconditional apology to Hindu Society for their unfounded and objectionable charges. We urge the Hindus around the world to-
1. Express their disapproval with the Government of India and demand the Home Minister’s resignation.
2. Write to their respective elected representatives, and governments, to educate them on the reality and the gravity of this issue.
3. File defamation cases against Mr Susheel Kumar Shinde and the Congress Party, under the jurisdiction of their domicile justice system, for Mr. Shinde’s statement being “defamatory in its natural meaning but also contains the imputation and insinuation that Hindu religion is involved in anti-India and terrorist activities”. Mr Shinde’s statement also uses the words ‘saffron’ as synonyms of terrorism, which is totally absurd, wrong, mischievous and defamatory.