Millions in Tamil Nadu grappled with lack of water and other basic essentials on Thursday as the heaviest rains in a century and floods left 269 people dead, thousands homeless and turned Chennai into a sea of water.. Chennai suffered unprecedented destruction, with water overflowing from rivers and reservoirs seeping into scores of apartments and houses, markets, shopping malls, offices and educational institutions, unsettling life like never before. Though there was respite from the rains and the army, navy and air force and the National Disaster Response Force worked hard to rescue the marooned and provide relief, the water level did not show major signs of receding. Residents complained about lack of medicines, milk, potable water, vegetables and public transport. Some 1.64 lakh people were housed in 460 camps in Chennai, Cuddalore, Thiruvallur and Kanchipuram districts. Many thousands also shifted to others’ houses after water entered theirs. In several places, power supply and communication lines were down, adding to the misery.
VHP of America requests your kind contribution to help the victims and their family who are affected by this devastation. VHP of America will work with appropriate agency to ensure that the donated funds only be used to help the victims of this natural disaster.
VHP of America has extended their help with volunteers to help in Katrina and 911 disasters. We raised and donated large sum of funds to the victims of Katrina, 911 attack, Haiti earth quake,
Fiji Flood victims, Japan earth quake, Gujarat earth quake, Hurricane Sandy, Kashmir floods, Nepal earthquake and numerous other disasters. We could not help the victims of these disasters without your generous contribution. We appreciate your contribution and spreading the word to raise funds for the victims of this devastating flood disaster in Tamil Nadu, India.
You can use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover card for your contribution.
Or Make check payable to VHP of America and mail it to:
VHP of America, P. O. Box 441505, Houston, TX 77244-1505
VHP of America Inc. is a 501(3) (C), non-profit, tax-exempt volunteering organization and the organization helps needy people regardless of their race, religion, color, ethnicity, or gender. VHP of America Tax ID# is 510-156-325.
Thank you.
(Girish M. Gandhi)
Vice President, Seva
VHP of America Inc. is a 501(3)(c), non-profit, tax-exempt volunteering organization who helps the needy people regardless of their race, religion, color, ethnicity, or gender. VHP of America Tax ID# is 510-156-325.